A Bigger Skyrim Nude Mod

Feeling inadequate ever since you took an arrow to the knee? Want to increase that certain part of the male anatomy? Well try out this new Male Nude Mod for Skyrim created by Sundracon.
Feeling inadequate ever since you took an arrow to the knee? Want to increase that certain part of the male anatomy? Well try out this new Male Nude Mod for Skyrim created by Sundracon.
Is everyone enjoying the Skyrim nude mod? Well we have some exciting news for you in the next post. Today’s submission is by Werebear with his character Kor.
Werebear writes: My Skyrim character, Kor, some shots of him in all his hairy glory using the male nude mod, and a few more playful shots 🙂
I remember back in the day on AnonIB, there was this guy who was OBSESSED with Jean Franko…
(via butchdixon)
Well it’s sort of a male nude mod, but it just removes the annoying censor in the PC version of Saints Row the Third. The process is done by unpacking the shader files, editing their contents, then packing them back in. I followed these instructions from a forum to make it work in the Initiation Station. Basically you overwrite the shader files used for the mosaic and replace them with blank versions. The instructions are on this site.
The shader files used in the full version may not work in the Initiation Station. So instead I’ve provided my file that works with this version. So please choose which files apply to you.
I haven’t seen anyone step up to the table yet and create a penis mod. So you’ll have to wait a bit longer.
I noticed an interesting thing this past year about my friends list. The bears that were interested in thinner guys had thinner Xbox Live Avatars. I being the slimmer guy had a fatter avatar. I wonder if there’s any correlation.
I’ll admit that he’s poorly dressed. If you want to suggest some clothes for him comment below!
So today’s podcast is not bara related, Aww… It’s pretty much a quick tour of all the new design changes for Xbox Live. Don’t worry, next podcast we’ll play through Saints Row… naked.
2011 Xbox Live Changes
Bara Gaming Night with Len
Or you could watch Co-Op with Len and I shooting up a biker gang.
We got another cool submission today for Skyrim. This time all the male NPCs in Skyrim are nude which lead to some interesting results. You can of course click the images or any images on this site for larger pictures.
Cervantes is getting a major upgrade in Soul Calibur 5. In the past few games he’s been very zombie like in appearance, but now with his new body, it seems to be a hit among some bara fans. So if you are into Daddy type characters, Cervantes hairy white chest is for you.
The last time I personally played the Elder Scrolls, was Morrowind, the prequel to Oblivion. In that game, rats could kill you easily since the fighting mechanics were so bad. Oh how times have changed. Today, Captain Bonertopia uses the nude mod to submit his nude orc character in Skyrim.
Captain Bonertopia writes: Funny you should post about the Skyrim nude male mod. I have some screenshots of my Orc character. Hope that’s okay, I noticed a non-human character from WoW, so I assume so. I’ve been really into orcs lately
Finally Skyrim has a nude mod for males. You can download the nude mod here at Curse.com.
If you created a character through the PC and want to send them our way to feature them by all means use the SUBMIT button. I probably won’t be able to play around with this until I get a dedicated graphics card.
Uncensored images after the jump!