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Our Favorite Saints Row 3 Bara and Bears

Volition Staff Created. Nude under the robe [+]

Saint’s Row: The Third’s character creator becomes available to the public around November 1st. So today we’ll highlight characters created by those who have early access. Now could you imagine what I’ll create when I get my hands on it. Muhahaha.

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Posing your Gay Sims Couples

So one of the cute things to do in the Sims 3 is to pose your models in situations that are not normally available. Unlike Daz3D, you don’t have to pay for each little pose, thank goodness.

Ah, these poses would be cute if they were normally available. I’m sure you guys have laid down near your boyfriend’s crotch at least once. Unless you don’t have one (FOREVER ALONE)

Posing a sim requires the following mods:

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BaraGamer: Queerrilla

queerrilla 4

New Italian BaraGamer Interview!

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Fate Zero Iskandar is Hunky

Updated October 16th

Oh but didn’t we already feature Iskandar? Yes, but now that Fate/Zero anime premiered this month, we get to see him in his animated form. Although I’m not incredibly happy with the way his face was designed, his body is still pretty gorgeous.

And here’s his foot if you like that kinda thing.

Recently I had to write a little article about the Fate series but I was confused about each character having the same name, not realizing they were different people. So even though  Iskandar is referred to as Rider, there’s also another Rider who looks nothing like him.

So I decided to jump head in, and I have to say it’s OK. I know a lot of people obsess over the series but it’s too early in to know how long I’ll continue to watch. I think I do like the aspect of having characters from ancient times trying to adapt in the modern world. But with this show I feel as if you’ll have to watch the previous series to understand some of the characters.

The animation is done by ufotable, a name I’m pretty familiar with since they did Tales of Xillia.

I also have to say, watching this on Nico Nico was pretty hilarious. Nico Nico has this thing where comments show up at the specific time you sent it. So when Waver (the guy in black in the screenshot above) gets bitch slapped by Iskandar, someone wrote, “Chris Brown left a bad influence.”


And speaking of Iskandar, he’s the daddy character, full of pride, strong, and wants to conquer everything. I think he pretty much fits in with the Bara type casting, so I guess I’ll primarily watch scenes featuring him. Sorry I’m not interested in the loli characters, they’re everywhere already.

Oh you don’t have to stare..

So the third episode gives some slight fan service in that Iskandar’s muscles are exposed. In addition, he gets a little bit too close to comfort to Waver. I’m not sure if that was intentional for a certain fan base.

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Oh Sebastian: Amped 3

Sebastian is the Zen Bear on the left.

So finally I can talk about this game called Amped 3 that nobody liked. I’ve had such a bad SSX withdrawal ever since its third installment. During this drought, SSX went with a more kid friendly route and released games for Nintendo consoles, which I did not have.  In its place, all that was left was Amped 3, and at the time, it was Xbox360’s only arcade snowboarding game. I decided to pick it up against all the negative reviews.

Remember in that Superman 64 game where you had to “solve your maze” by flying through rings, well, this game has the same gimmick. Some of the challenges require you to follow a very strict path that is pretty hard to do on a snowboard with its loose mechanics. Then it required you to pass through rings in sometimes strange locations, especially if they are in the air. If you missed one ring it is game over and you have to restart. I really think this one feature made everyone absolutely hate the game.

So to all of you future snowboard game developers, rings suck!

As for Sebastian, he’s pretty cool, he’s like this extreme pacifist with a surfer mentality. Yes he’s pretty big but the bear lovers won’t mind him at all. Unfortunately for me, he just never takes off those goggles. I’d really like to see what he actually looks like.

This is actually Johan, his name is different in the screenshot since I had to create a new game. Normally you can not wear this outfit so early in the game, which is a shame because the earlier cutscenes have nicer angles.

I love me some homosexual subtext, but this one was very apparent, until he ruined it.

Bara Calibur 4

Now you can see Jerdain in live action! Well I’m not that great of a player but eye candy is eye candy! Besides now I can take screenshots of characters I haven’t even shown you yet!

And perhaps Len’s contest entry wants a rematch?

Gayming with Fable 3

Giles cap

After my friend saw my character, he said I was so predictable. :3

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BaraGamer Character: Berserker

Did you make this? Claim it!

Back in the days when Bara was on AnoniB, this picture was the first to make me decide on getting the game. I haven’t seen a game that would let me make characters like this and wear almost practically nothing. It was also the first spark that made me decide on creating this site.

Hairy Beary

Hairy Bears

Hairy nude bears inside!

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BaraGamer Character: Paul

So this is Paul, he’s tall, dark, and … Hairy. (Created in The Sims 3)

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