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Another Character Creator

PSO2 released their character creator recently for free! What’s cool about it is how you can create your character and do a benchmark test to see how well the game runs.

But as for us BaraGamers, we must create men, lots of men. Why? Because 72% of players play as female characters, yes that is an official statistic. I guess in the future, men are the dying gender. I don’t really care what your male looks like, just create one.


The character creator lets you add a beard, stubble, scars, tattoos and even chest hair.

Though I found the chest hair to be quite lacking compared to Soul Calibur 5. It looks like someone photoshopped dots on the character, but I’ll just deal with it. There is no crotch slider so that’s all you get.

Another fun addition is to see how your character’s facial expressions look like. Some facial templates aren’t as expressive depending on the way you morph the face.

You can mold the shape of your body, you can really create some huge feet and calves if you wanted. Separately you can change the shape and length of your shoulders and arms.

He looks so familiar.

It’s not too hard to make a bear either, but facial sliders tend to get puffy if you are trying to make a fat character. You won’t see the effect on this screenshot as much, but if I kept going, his face would puff out like a blowfish. As always you are welcome to try it out yourself and SUBMIT screenshots.

Download it here!

Gay Porn Games on Android! Dick Gumshoe’s Night Attack

As you know, the official Android Marketplace is strict in not allowing adult content. It has severely limited the types of Gay content you can place in the store that many Gay Dating apps had to disallow nude images on your profile pic. Though you can still certainly send dick pics through private messages.


Dudedle Studio has released Dick Gumshoe’s Night Attack through the MiKandi App Market. MiKandi is an adults only application store. However since it does not come from the Official Android Marketplace, you’ll have to allow it manually.

To Allow MiKandi apps through Android.

  • Go to Settings
  • Press Applications
  • Checkmark “Unknown Sources


GachiMuchi Muscle Collection April Fools!

April Fools is just as big over here as it is in Japan. Every year they come up with new ridiculous announcements, some of them are inside jokes which I’d obviously wouldn’t understand. But some are just in your face and bizarre.

Toku Toku BB by GMO, is an internet service provider that covers pretty much a variety of things including VPS. They started their own social game called Muscle Collection. Well actually according to them it’s not really a Social Game, it’s a “SoshaGe” which is just an abbreviated form of the phrase.

For this game’s minimum specs they recommend some really really expensive computers.

In this game you spin Gachapons, (a Gacha is the toy vending machine you see near stores) and collect muscular men with various names and special moves. There’s two Gachas, the first one they claim is for kids… But the SUPER GACHA, is for adults, and my do they get very homoerotic.

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Gay Japanese Figurines

We’re all geeks right, and what do geek’s collect? Figurines! Check out these baralicious figurines made by Itetsu Ogura.

This one is called Mikoshi. It’s a depiction of the 男の祭りor Man Festival.

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JIRAIYA ART BOOK 2012 Pre-Ordering now

Bara artist Jiraiya, who does almost photo-realistic illustrations of muscle bears for G-men is releasing his next art book covering the works from 1998 through 2012.

G-men has recently began accommodating their international fans by including English websites and even allow for international ordering, though the shipping could get quite expensive. There’s two editions of this book, the regular version, and one including an iPhone cover.


  • Limited Edition: 4800 Yen about $58 USD.
  • +iPhone Cover Edition: 7800 Yen about $94 USD.
  • Releases on April 27th, 2012
  • Pre-Orders receive a chance to win an autographed card by Jiraiya himself.
  • Order includes a iPhone cover with one of Jiraiya’s illustrations.


Dick and Balls Accessories For Soul Calibur 5 Character Creations

Tony Tony Tony… I don’t know how you do it.  This is the wildest Soul Calibur 5 submission I’ve ever seen.

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BaraGamer Character: Bassineos

Oh yes, there’s more Soul Calibur 5 submissions! His name is Bassineós using the soul of Cervantes.


This is my SC V character in detail. Tattooed, pierced and ready to slash those nasty opponents into pieces 🙂 Based on myself, but damn, wish I just looked like him.

I think he turned out pretty cute, very nice balance of tribal tattoos on the front. Something I haven’t really thought of doing before was adding nipple piercings. Nice suggestion!

Love the scorpion placement. 😉

miniReview: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

Game: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
Publisher: EA
Platform: PC, PS3, Xbox 360
Price: $59.99
Notes: Even though the game is single-player, there’s an online pass in new copies, which unlocks exclusive quests and locations.

The game is a single player, open-world, high fantasy RPG.  After the gorgeous visuals, combat is the best part of the game. There’s a variety of weapons (longswords, chakrams, daggers, etc.), and combat is based on timed button press combos and QTEs, rather than point-and-click attacking.

Standard RPG fare such as crafting, blacksmithing, socketing gems, alchemy, theft, and lock-picking are part of the game.  There are the standard 3 basic job classes (called Destinies) of warrior, rogue, and mage, with hybrids of each.  You’re free to change class as you wish, for a small fee.

Graphics are great, aside from a few minor clipping and bloom issues. There’s eye candy everywhere, from the character abilities and animations to the environments.  The game doesn’t shoot for realistic graphics, and the sheer amount of color everywhere makes Skyrim look especially monochromatic.

Sound effects are typical for a fantasy RPG, and the soundtrack is on par with that.  It doesn’t necessarily shine, but it’s exciting when it needs to be. Voice acting is good, however your character doesn’t speak any dialog which detracts from the story.

The lead designer claims that fully completing the game and all side quests should take around 200+ hours. The main quest is around 40-80 hours depending on your play-style.

Other Stuff:
If you’re looking for an immersive story along the lines of Dragon Age or Mass Effect, you aren’t going to find it here.  It doesn’t seem like the results of your quests have much bearing on the world.  The hardest difficulty level seems to be anything but. Character customization is limited to only facial hair and features, tattoos, and jewelry.  There’s only one body type.

Why is it Bara?:
Plenty of swinging big hammers, muscly monsters, facial hair galore, and the occasional big belly…mhmm.

[written by: Grimace]

This game has been having some buzz in the Bara circles, so it was only natural to feature it here! Enjoy the rest of the gallery with Grimace’s created characters!

Create Hunky Men in Kingdoms of Amalur

ultramooz submits his Kingdoms of Amalur characters.

These characters were created in the “Kingdoms of Amalur : Reckoning” demo on PS3, and it made me want to try the full game!

Sadly you can’t undress them more than that, but there is a PC version and the maybe some mods will help our naughty purposes

But as a special treat, Grimace has written up a mini review of the full version, check it out in the next post!

BaraGamer Character: Esau

The deadline for this contest is over, so any submissions received onward would be placed into the next contest which would probably start in the fall of ’12. We’ll probably start the voting process in March since there’s a few submissions not yet posted because they are tied to articles.

Here’s another City of Heroes character called Esau, a muscle bear biker. Wouldn’t mind being rescued by him.  😉