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Your Gaymer Xbox Live Avatar and Podcast 4

I noticed an interesting thing this past year about my friends list. The bears that were interested in thinner guys had thinner Xbox Live Avatars. I being the slimmer guy had a fatter avatar. I wonder if there’s any correlation.

I’ll admit that he’s poorly dressed. If you want to suggest some clothes for him comment below!

So today’s podcast is not bara related, Aww… It’s pretty much a quick tour of all the new design changes for Xbox Live. Don’t worry, next podcast we’ll play through Saints Row… naked.

2011 Xbox Live Changes

Bara Gaming Night with Len

Or you could watch Co-Op with Len and I shooting up a biker gang.

Baragamer Podcast: 03 YouTube Channel!

Baragamer podcast 3

Oh Mah Gurl Breadquanda, a new podcast, and this time it’s on YouTube. We’re going through the character creation demo of Saints Row The Third featuring the bulge slider. Plus we can announce our YouTube channel, it will have various gameplay videos of Bara and Non-Bara stuff so please subscribe!

BaraGamer Youtube Channel!

Baragamer Podcast: 02


So you’ve waited long enough and it’s finally here, the second podcast! This time the podcast is slightly longer than before but  it goes through a range of topics from clean to dirty. Also I fulfill two requests made by visitors from this site.  You can DOWNLOAD it here.

  • BaraGamer Podcast Contents:
    • Quick E3 recap
    • Gay Pride
    • Bears, Bears, and more Bears
    • Barachan speaking Jamaican
  • Music
    • Yaschas Massif



Baragamer Podcast: 01


Oh lawdy, the first podcast. Barachan talks about his own history of the Bara community, his discovery of japanese artists, and what eventually led to the creation of this site. You can listen to the podcast here or download it.

  • Music
    • Broke For Free – My always Mood