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That face

daniel sims 1

Dreamworks stock facial expression. You’ll see it on every poster.

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Hairy Cub

A darker guy? Yes! With a mohawk? Yes! It’s actually a hairstyle I’ve always wanted to try. But I digress… They call him Jock and he’s living out his prison fantasy in this photoshoot.

(via butchdixon)

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Brinking Brink


I just found this big daddy character, but nothing exists of him yet. However, you can certainly create your own Bara character in this game which you could use for the Contest when it starts up.

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Hot Hayden

Meet Hayden, and he’s a teacher, yes a smoking hot teacher. He and Tanner get it on at StockyDudes. I guess he’s a cross between an otter and a cub right?

(via stockydudes)

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Bara Gamer: Omy


Our first Bara Gamer!

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Out of Context


The strange things you can only do with  Sims mods.

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Punny Bear

It makes more sense after the jump.

Reblogged from julesbrg

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Bara Character: Nuadha Airgetlam


Nudha Airgetlam from Mabinogi is a king of gods. He’s one of the final bosses within the game.

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Bears with Glasses

I also have a thing for Ear Gauges, shh don’t tell anyone..

Reblogged from poorbilly