Baragamer Contest
Baragamer is holding its first contest. The objective is to create a Bara character using a video game, 3D application, or avatar generator. One out of these three possible examples.
- Contest Period
- June 2nd, 2011 through July 15th, 2011 @ 11:59 EST.
- Contest Entry
- Submit photos or screenshots of a Bara character you personally created within a game. 3D application, or avatar generator. Please write a brief description about your character and which game or 3d application, or avatar generator it was made from.
- You may use direct screenshots, camera, or cellphone photo.
- If you are using a camera or cellphone, the character must be clearly visible.
- Using Mods on characters is acceptable!
- Using Photo Manipulation on a screenshot is acceptable!
- Multiple Entries are accepted!
- After contest is over, 1 lucky winner will be selected by
- Winner receives $10 ~ $20 game card out of the list of game cards described below.
- Featured Submission
- By submitting to the contest, your character may become featured in a blog post at crediting YOU the creator.
- Eligible Entrants
- Contestant must be 18 years or older to enter.
- Contestants should live within United States, or United States territories, but it’s not required*.
- Contestant must type a valid email address in the submission form.
- Without a valid email address, the winner may not be able to receive the serial code in email.
- *The Game Card’s serial code may not work in your territory if you live outside of the United States. It is up to the winner to discern whether the card will work for a non- U.S game. We are not responsible if the code is not valid for a game outside of the U.S territories.
- Game Card Criteria
- A game card allows one to input a serial number to receive credit towards the purchase of in-game store items or online gaming service.
- The winner will receive the serial number from the card through E-mail.
- Winner may choose 1 ~ 2 game cards equaling a value of up to $20 and may not go over that amount.
- For Example: (1) $10 + (1) $10 = $20
- For Example: (1) $17.95 = $17.95
- Eligible Game Cards
- The winner must select cards from this list of Game Cards up to $20 USD (United States Dollars).
- Ultimate Game Card. Rune Scape 30 Days Access Card. Perfect World Card. Aeria Fun Card. EA Game Card. Sims Store Game Card. Playstation Network Card. Playstation Plus Card. Xbox Live Card. Xbox Live MS Points Card. Nintendo Points 2000.
- Grand Prize
- (1) One Winner selects from the list of game cards above up to $20.
The companies in the Eligible Game Card list are not affiliated or owned by This contest is self funded.
Example Work