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Found Breda Porn

Reblogged from todayilust4

BlazingCheecks drew Breda from Full Metal Alchemist,
and has now fulfilled our meme.

Strange coincidence. Hmm.

Sleepy Bear

This is all kinds of cuddly

Reblogged from Kranxa

BaraGames Fan Art: Sugar Shooter

Crimsonblood drew a fanart of Prince Satan from Sugar Shooter. Sugar Shooter is a shoot-em up game from the team of Dudedle Studio. They have plans on making Sugar Shooter II free if it’s funded $6000 before October 31st, 2011.


Bara Character: Gordon Bowman

Reblogged From videogamesmademegay

Where have you been all of my life?

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Bear in Baseball Cap

Reblogged from bearthug

Cutest thing I’ve seen all week!

Sweet Dreams

Reblogged from beefycubsf

Sunday Bear Jam: In Bed

Reblogged from boyshapedbox

Sunday Bear Jam, random bears on a lazy Sunday.

Sunday Bear Jam: The Flash

Reblogged from ssquaredkc

Sunday Bear Jam! Enjoy random gay bears on a lazy Sunday.

Punny Bear

It makes more sense after the jump.

Reblogged from julesbrg

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