Dead Rising 2 Nude Mod
submitted and written by: Phillip
This mod will replace the banana hammock item in the game.
1. Install Dead Rising 2 on your PC. It can take forever.
2. Organize. This is important so you don’t fuck it up later.
In the Dead Rising 2 install folder, create a folder called “mods“. Inside the mods folder, create folders inside one another to make the following path: backup/data/models/npcs_bg
3. Download this TOOLS file to the mods folder. This file is compressed and you will need WinRAR or 7Zip to extract its contents.
4. Decompress the file. I suggest the following way: Right click the file, select “Extract…” and in the window that pops up, in the “Destination path” field, remove everything after “mods” in the path (basically, delete “\TOOLS”). This way you won’t have an extra folder to navigate through.
Note: You really only need Gibbed’s stuff from the tools, but there’s a nice little Dead Rising 2 Modding Community so the other files may come in useful later. If you’re a severe minimalist, just delete everything in /TOOLS except the Gibbed.DeadRising2.Tools (rev11) folder.
5. Download the male nude reskin to the mods folder.
6. Right click and select “Extract here” on the “nude_chuck.zip” file.
7. Unpack npcs.big. In the TOOLS folder, open the Gibbed.DeadRising2.Tools (rev11) folder.
Leave this window open and accessible, and in another window to the side, navigate to: Dead Rising 2\data\models.
Drag the npcs.big file from the models folder onto the Gibbed.DeadRising2.Unpack.exe file in the Gibbed tools folder. A black box will pop up; wait for it to go away. A new folder called npcs_big will be created in the models folder.
8. Back up the original banana hammock files. Open the newly-created npcs_big folder and find the following files:
- chest_Banana_Hammock.big
- chest_Banana_Hammock.tex
- leg_Banana_Hammock.big
- leg_Banana_Hammock.tex
Copy these files into:
Dead Rising 2\mods\backup\data\models\npcs_big
Now they are backed up and you know from the path where to put them back if things go wrong or the nude is not for you.
9. Copy the four files from Dead Rising 2\mods\nude_chuck and paste them into the Dead Rising 2\data\models\npcs_big folder. Overwrite if prompted to do so.
10. Repack the npcs_big folder then open the folders:
Dead Rising 2\data\models
Dead Rising 2\mods\TOOLS\Gibbed.DeadRising2.Tools (rev11)
Drag the npcs_big folder over and onto the Gibbed.DeadRising2.Pack.exe file.
This will create a new file with the path Dead Rising 2\data\npcs_big.big.
Rename the original npcs.big file to (default)npcs.big (this is your primary backup) and then rename the npcs_big.big file to npcs.big. If you wish to do some housekeeping, delete the unpacked npcs_big folder that you don’t need anymore.
Start/restart the game and voila! Enjoy your naked Chuck Greene. The banana hammock item you need is located in Palisades Mall’s Beach Body Swim House:
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