
Baragamer is an adult gay tumble blog featuring a collection of “bara” and “bear” men from videogames, films, television, anime, manga, comics and more! Appreciating the beauty of the male form, we strive to find those characters that exudes manliness from every inch of their body. We encourage guests to submit or suggest characters that should be featured on this site. Here’s list of things you can expect in the future as we start the initial phase of Baragamer.com

The content of baragamer.com ranges from general audiences to pornagraphic. Ultimately this is a NSFW site, I’m sure your boss wouldn’t appreciate you looking at porn on the job. Some posts will feature men, while other posts may be off topic, random, and silly.


Body Types

Baragamer features men of various shapes and sizes ranging from muscular, bear, otter, and daddy types. If you’ve created any types of these men in videogames, artwork, 3d models, share some with the rest of the world. Additionally you can suggest any of these types of men shown in television shows, movies, anime, manga, comics, and online!



Similar to tumblr you may ask questions which will be featured within a post. So ask away!



You may submit Bara characters you created in videogames here. If a submission is featured on the site, you will be credited back. In the future you can use the submission form to enter the contest. Currently the contest is not running.



From time to time, short podcasts will appear on the site. Some questions will be answered within the podcast, so be sure to Ask questions.


BaraGamer: Staff

Barachan has been within the Bara community since it’s initial creation. After a few years of actively contributing, Barachan left the scene due to the time constraints of school  and blogging. Four years later, barachan marks his return  by creating his own website. Favorite Game Genres: Music, Action RPG, Xtreme Sports


Voluntary positions for BaraGamer are available.

BaraGamer: Goals

Baragamer’s first phase is to establish a foothold within the Bara community. The first challenge for the site is to build it’s own content to that of the level of other tumbleblogs. The second phase is to establish a connection to artists in the community so both fans and artists remain happy. Stay Tuned!

Contest Criteria

From time to time, Baragamer will hold various contest where the winner will receive (1) $10 – $20 gaming  card to use within an online game or game related store.  The contest is open to United States residents only.

  • Submission Criteria
    • Submit a photo or screenshot of a bara character you personally created within a game.
    • After contest is over, 1 lucky winner is selected.
    • Winner receives $10 to $20 cash card to use in an online game of their choice.
  • Cash Card Criteria
    • A game card allows one to input a serial number to receive credit towards the purchase of in-game store items.
    • The winner’s game card of their choice must be purchasable within a store. (Gamestop, Walmart, etc)
    • The winner will receive the serial number from the card through E-mail.
    • Please check stores currently available within the United States to see which cards are available to purchase.
  • Grand Prize
    • (1) One game card of the winner’s choice at MSRP ($10 ~ $20).


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