Bara Character: Benkei’s Balls
One of the guys from Twitter sent me to the Japanese Bara image board. (Though I would recommend it as an alternative since Baraspot is down, it’s quite a different environment there, plus the language barrier.) Over there I found this character, “Benkei” from New Getter Robo. He appears to be the funny fat guy of the series who somehow manages to get away with partial male nudity–
Scrolling Fundoshi Scene
Surprise Ass Shot
Benkei’s Balls!
– And that was just the third episode. In the next episode, Benkei is mesmerized by one of the females at the facility. His teammate (Ryoma) easily dupes Benkei into thinking that all he would have to do to win a woman’s heart is to show his dick. Benkei proceeds to strip down right then and there leading to this scene.
Butt Shot!
Poor Benkei got kicked in the nuts.
That’s pretty much all the fanservice Benkei gets unless I can find some of the later episodes.
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