Bara Character: Breda

Even though Bara is technically a wide range of body types from skinny to muscular to chubby, the main point behind the term is to depict manly men. Breda falls under the chubby bara, or sometimes coined Gachi Debu, which is a derivative of Gachi Muchi. The word “debu” means fat/chubby/obese.

Heymans Breda’s face always looks very simplistic to me, yet he still remains attractive. He shows up quite more often in the original Fullmetal Alchemist anime even with a little bit of fanservice. Unfortunately in the new FMA: Brotherhood, he’s like a cameo appearance, but I prefer this version because he’s not made out to be some kind of dumb jock, and more like a detective. You could compare him to Dick Gumshoe in Pheonix Wright games.

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